International Taxes
Doing Business around the World Can Quickly Become Complex. Our Experts Will Shed Light on Your Tax Obligations.
International taxation is the study or determination of tax on a person or business subject to the tax laws of different countries, or the international aspects of an individual country's tax laws as the case may be.
Governments usually limit the scope of their income taxation in some manner territorially or provide for offsets to taxation relating to extraterritorial income.
The manner of limitation generally takes the form of a territorial, residence-based, or exclusionary system. Some governments have attempted to mitigate the differing limitations of each of these three broad systems by enacting a hybrid system with characteristics of two or more. Many governments tax individuals and/or enterprises on income.
If you are an American living abroad, this means that as a US citizen, you must file a US federal tax return and pay US taxes no matter where you live. In other words, you are subject to the same rules regarding income taxation as people living stateside.
Tax Certificates
Two types of certificate namely :- Tax Residency Certificate
- Commercial Activities Certificate for the UAE resident.
Tax Residency certificate – Natural Person
Tax Residency certificate – Legal Person
Users can apply for the TRC certificates as Natural Person or Legal Person
Tax Residency Certificate:A certificate issued by the FTA upon request to enable applicants to benefit from Double Tax Avoidance Agreements (DTAA) on income signed by the UAE.
Commercial Activities Certificate:Commercial Activities Certificate – Legal Person
A certificate issued by the FTA to enable applicants to refund VAT paid outside the UAE, whether or not DTAAs are applicable